Be sure to visit our
forums for 24/7 news and Info!
Universe Huge Gallery!
Today added a gallery of 47 images from the Wizards booth at C3
including images from the new Universe Huge set! Look for this set to
be released this August.
Click below to visit the gallery!
------------------------ let us know that Clone Strike is no longer
being produced and it looks like it wont be coming back!
Be sure to get what you need now before they are out of

------------------------ just updated our Attacktix gallery with close up pics of
the Attacktix prize figures! Something we first noticed is that in
addition to the chrome base figures, we now see figures that are 100% Silver.
We got word today from moderator SithSpawn that these
will be used as prizes for Attacktix Tournaments and will be sent to shops
that participate! That will make this some of rarest Attacktix to date!
Thanks again SithSpawn!

Be sure to checkout the latest C3 coverege at:

New Giveaway at, 4 Choices!
Starting today is another great giveaway and it is the easiest one we have
had yet. All you have to do is send in
an e-mail!! No pictures, no posting, just a good old fashioned pick out
of the hat type giveaway!
You will get to pick from 4 very cool prizes including a TRU Holo Yoda,
Attactix Starter Set, Luke Jedi Unleashed or Darth Sidious Unleashed! Every
reader who sends in
an e-mail will get one entry and anyone who is a current member of our
forum community or signs up as a new member, will get two entries! Click
the image below or our contest link above for more info on how to enter!

Revenge of the Sith Set List at Wizards IN 3-D!
Wizards has updated the ROTS Collection with a select
few now in 3-D!
click right here!

If you are looking for a complete gallery,
click right here!
Check out Bills this week for some great new IN STOCK Items like:
ROTS Tradable Miniature Booster Packs: Single Booster @ $10.99 each
3 Boosters @ $29.99 each
Master Case (12 Boosters) @ $114.99 each
And dont forget In
celebration of all the new Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith items being
released, use this code, SWM10, until 04/15/05 to SAVE 10% on any
order, and as always IT INCLUDES PRE-ORDERS (Including Predaking)!
Star Wars Minis Retailer Kit
April 2005
Star Wars Miniatures Game retailer kits come loaded
with special terrain tiles, Force-effects templates, posters, and a
"played here" window cling. All these goodies provide stores with play
formats, marketing materials, and prize support for players visiting
their space. In May, we're adding alternative paint miniatures from the
current set. These miniatures will change each month, as will the
terrain tiles.
None of these materials is available anywhere else, and demand is
sure to be high. Become the hottest space sport in your system and
contact your direct sales representative at Wizards of the Coast today
to order your kit.
The kit for April includes:
- 12 crumbled depot terrain tiles
- 3 shockwave effects templates
- 2 season posters
- 1 "Star Wars Miniatures played here" window cling
- Tournament and league instructions
- Event reporting forms
Source: |
Revenge of the Sith Preview 6
Massive humanoids with long snouts, heavy
fur, and large black eyes, Yuzzem are noted for their great strength and
volatility. However, despite their reputation (often well deserved) as
temperamental brutes, Yuzzem can also surprise other species with their
cunning and resourcefulness. The Empire enslaved Yuzzem in much the
same way it did Wookiees (leading to many slave revolts when the Yuzzen
and Wookiees joined forces); Yuzzem are often found as slaves in
Imperial labor camps, employed to handle such heavy physical activity as
mining. And as with Wookiees, Yuzzem adhere to strict codes of honor and
With their strong similarities to Wookiees, it makes good sense that
a Yuzzem would appear in Revenge of the Sith (which also brings
more of Chewbacca's species to the game). However, while the expansion's
Wookiees are aligned with the Republic, this Yuzzem is a neutral Fringer.
As far as abilities go, the Yuzzem is actually more similar to
another figure: Rebel Storm's dangerous Wampa, with its double
attacks and Rend ability as well as with its size. Revenge of the
Sith's Yuzzem is the game's first Large-sized common figure. |
Revenge of the Sith Preview 5
Muun Guard
One of the galaxy's wealthiest worlds, Muunilinist came to be
unofficial known as MoneyLand, home of the Banking Clan. The Muuns
transformed their world into a center of commerce, its cities dominated
by gleaming marble edifices, columns, and entablatures. These classical
structures would become marred by occasional warfare, particular when
Muunilinist became a battleground during the Clone Wars.
We've already seen San Hill, Chairman of the InterGalactic Banking
Clan; however, he's not the only Muun to appear in Star Wars
Minis Revenge of the Sith San's backed by his Muun Guard, a
low-cost uncommon who fights on the side of the Separatists. Or, more
accurately, fights for Muunilinist.
Super Battle Droid
Super Battle Droids are more threatening, heavily armored units in
the Trade Federation's battle droid line. For economy, their design
makes use of standard battle droid internal components; however, these
components are packaged within much stronger armor.
Acertron armor protects the Super Battle Droid's primary power unit,
located in their chests, while tough overall armoring and reinforced
joints sacrifice mobility for improved protection. Broad areas are
heavily armored, with excess heat radiated through their calf vanes. Far
superior to their skeletal-looking counterparts in almost every regard,
even the Super Battle Droids' looming frames and dehumanized silhouettes
help increase their intimidation.
Super Battle Droids are designed to operate independently, rather
than in groups; compared to standard battle droids, they are stronger,
more efficient models of technological weaponry.
AT-AT Pictures!
This is one MASSIVE Piece and has our first look at it! Check out the picture below!
Thanks RangerX for the Info!

Revenge of the Sith Preview 4

San Hill
Gaunt and pale from years of working
indoors, San Hill is a Muun from Muunilinst (unofficial known as "Moneyland"),
home of the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Fiscally prudent (some would say
opportunistic), San Hill views the galaxy in strictly monetary terms,
often financing both sides of a conflict. War, he knows, is good for
business. As Chairman of the Banking Clan, San Hill provides financial
backing to Count Dooku's separatist Confederacy of Independent Systems
though has only committed to a non-exclusive arrangement. He's also led
the defense of Muunilinst from his command tower war room, against
attacks by the Republic.
During the Clone Wars, Republic forces, led by General Kenobi, had
sought to disrupt the Banking Clan's funding of the Dooku's separatists.
Against a fierce defense, composed of battle droids under the command of
the bounty hunter Durge, the Republic forces prevailed. General Kenobi
was able to defeat Durge and subsequently capture San Hill.
San Hill represents an inexpensive commander, who carries both a
potential windfall and drawback. Ever cautious, San Hill's Commander
Effect limits your activations. At the same time, he's enlisted
additional Separatist Reserves waiting to join the battle -- should the
roll for Initiative come up a certain way. |
Revenge of the Sith Preview 3
Agen Kolar, Jedi Master

Agen Kolar one of the Jedi who survived
the Battle of Geonosis, where his young Padawan, Tan Yuster, fell.
(Statistics from the battle indicate Republic forces faced upwards of
1,000,000 battle droids and 100,000 super battle droids, as well as
15,000 dwarf spider and 3,000 destroyer droids). Along with Eeth Koth
and Darth Maul, Agen Kolar is a Zabrak, a species with vestigial horns
and iron willpower, able to withstand extreme physical pain and
suffering. The Zabrak are known as warriors and explorers without peer,
who possess a great deal of confidence and believe there is nothing they
can't accomplish.
The Zabrak's instincts were largely forged by the harshness of their
original homeworld, Iridonia. There, strong winds can reach over 200
kilometers per hour, and seas of acidic liquid swirl up and splash down
onto highland villages and fields perched atop sea cliffs. Worse still
are the gigantic predators that occasionally emerge from these acid seas
to swallow ships whole or destroy settlements.
As with Mace Windu, Agen Kolar's Revenge of the Sith stats are
similar to his Clone Strike version. The difference lies with his
Force Powers. Clone Strike's Agen Kolar presented a more
defensive nature with such abilities as Lightsaber Block, Deflect and
Recovery 20. Agen Kolar, Jedi Master expresses his offensive sidefar
more offensive.
Darth Vader, Dark Jedi uses the dark side to fuel his Force Grip,
causing 10 damage to any character within line of sight. Agen Kolar,
Jedi Master has the chance to cause 20 damage, so long as his opponent
is within closer reach. Plus, Force Burst allows Agen Kolar to inflict
damage to not just one character, but every character within 6 squares
(even Emperor Palpatine's Force Storm is limited to adjacent
Next time: an opportunistic financier!
------------------------------------------ |
Revenge of the Sith Preview 2
R2-D2, Astromech Droid

At first glance, R2 seems an unassuming
astromech droid, typical of his series. But Artoo is unusual in that he
has a unique personality quirk: courage. Artoo has demonstrated his
bravery again and again, taking the typical R2 unit's helpfulness to an
unheard of extreme. Assigned to Queen Amidala's Royal Starship, when
the vessel was damaged by enemy fire, Artoo valiantly repaired the
damaged deflector shield generator. Soon after, he found himself on
Tatooine, where he met C-3PO, his future counterpart. While the protocol
droid considers the little blue astromech a bit too self-reliant, Artoo
understands that most of Threepio's objections are out of concern for
his friend.
Like all astromechs, Artoo has a wide range of built-in tools, which
he uses to repair vehicles and other machinery. Artoo's domed head
contains infrared receptors, electromagnetic-field sensors, a register
read-out and logic dispenser, dedicated energy receptors, a radar eye,
heat and motion detectors, and a holographic recorder and projector. His
cylindrical body hides numerous devices, including a storage/retrieval
jack for computer link-up, auditory receivers, flame-retardant foam
dispenser, electric shock prod, high-powered spotlight, grasping claw,
laser welder, circular saw, and a cybot acoustic signaler.
Revenge of the Sith's R2-D2, Astromech Droid costs a point
higher than his Rebel Storm version. For that point, you
sacrifice the Repair ability for a unit able to take the offensive
against his fellow droids. This Artoo, in essence, put away his repair
tools in favor of his electric shock prod. Not only that, but he's
broken out his boosters as well, giving him Flightand also his tow
cable, so he's able to help adjacent allies escape the battlefield.
The little Astromech demonstrates, once again, his
complete utility.
Next time: a Jedi Master!
Source: |
Revenge of the Sith Preview 1
Mace Windu, Jedi Master

One of the two senior members on the Jedi
Council, along with Master Yoda, Mace Windu is famous within the Jedi
order for his battle prowess, forceful presence and wisdom. He remains
calm and collected when faced with death, and is never reluctant to
stand in the face of danger. Master Windu is known within the Jedi
order for his unusual fighting style, one he developed after studying
the dueling styles of various lightsaber masters. His Vaapad-style
technique is named after the multi-armed, radial symmetric animal from
the volcanic world of Sarapin (which provides energy for a large part of
the Galactic Republic). In the history of the Jedi order, only two
opponents have ever overcome Master Windu in battle. One was Master Yoda
himself, whom some say is the Jedi order's true master of lightsaber
combat. (The other was Master Dooku.) Nevertheless, Master Windu is
recognized throughout the order as master of combat tactics, and legion
are the battles he has won.
How does Revenge of the Sith's Mace Windu, Jedi Master compare
with his Clone Strike version? He's still an expensive figure
(the single most expensive figure in the set, just above Yoda, Jedi
Master) -- but for that price he's a warrior worthy enough to build a
squad around.
Though with similar stats and rarity, Mace Windu, Jedi Master has
different abilities than his Clone Strike version, including
Shockwave and Whirlwind Attack. Think Lightsaber Sweep is effective
against adjacent opponents? For the same amount of Force, Whirlwind
Attack proves twice as devastating.
Next time: an astromech takes to the air!
Source: |
Q&A Rules Posted at Wizards!

Be sure to check out
Jedi Counseling 59 where Gary M. Sarli answers your rules
questions about the Star Wars MiniaturesGame and the Star Wars
Roleplaying Game!
Tips and Tactics 2
The Joys of Cannon Fodder
The Right Mix????
Don't miss the second installment of Tip and Tactics now
live at the Official Site!
Click here to check it out!
--------------------------------- now has Revenge of the Sith boosters and starters on sale!
Pre-Order Prices are $94.99 for a booster case, $13.25 for a starter. BE sure to head over and
reserve yours today! They also are taking Pre-Orders for cases of Rebel
Storm as well,
click here to find out more!
Also check out the Boxed Artwork released to many e-tailers this week!

New Star Wars TCG and Miniatures from Wizards
Get your game on with new Trading Card Games and Miniatures from Wizards
of the Coast centered around the highly-anticipated Star Wars film, Revenge
of the Sith. The Star Wars Trading Card Game has two new sets coming out in
2005, based around Episode III. The tenth expansion set for the Star Wars TCG,
Revenge of the Sith hits shelves on April 2. This 110-card expansion features
characters and art from the forthcoming film, including such favorites as
Darth Vader, Mace Windu and Chewbacca, as well as a new card type: Equipment.
The year's next expansion continues to introduce Episode III material. Rise
of the Empire releases August 5th, adding 110 more cards to the game. Star
Wars Miniatures has two full sets scheduled for 2005. In April, Revenge of
the Sith adds 60 new figures, including key Episode III characters,
lightsaber-wielding Jedi and Sith, more Wookiees -- even General Grievous and
his bodyguards. In September, the game's Universe expansion introduces 60
more figures from the Original Trilogy era and beyond, and also introduces a
big (and we mean BIG) new aspect to the game. Each expansion will also be
followed by an Ultimate Missions sourcebook, providing new maps and scenarios
for Miniature gameplay. Ultimate Missions: Clone Strike releases on March 4,
followed in June by Ultimate Missions: Revenge of the Sith, and August by
Ultimate Missions: Universe. Plus, in November be sure to look for the Star
Wars Miniatures AT-AT, the most massive addition yet to the Miniatures game.
![[ New Star Wars TCG and Miniatures from Wizards ]](20050208_minis_bg.jpg)
On Feb
10th and 24th there will be events at Comic World in Lincoln, NE at 5pm.

More Forum Member Events!
Event: Grand Battle: Jedi vs Droids
Location: Comics, Cards and Games
5 Market Plaza
Stoudtburg Village
Reinholds, PA 17569
(717) 484-0390
Prizes: 2 boosters for first, 1 for second
Points: 66 for Jedi and 125 for Droids
All sets legal
Victory Conditions:
The Jedi player teams up with all other Jedi players. Most points
wins(total kill points).
The droid player teams up with all other droid players. Most points
wins(total kill points).
Jedi: The Rebel player may only build units that wield
lightsabers or units with a force rating without ranged attacks up to a
total of 66 points. Only 1 version is allowed of each unique character. Ex.
Only 1 Obi-wan is allowed on the field.
Droids: The imperial player may only build with droid
Special Rules:
Jedi: Each Jedi player gets to Reflect 1 shot per
Clone Strike Wallpaper
Art from the Star Wars Minis Clone
Strike expansion is now available as desktop wallpaper. With a bit
of computer magic, you can bring the forces of the Clone Troopers, Jedi,
or Sith to your machine.
Download it now at!
If you missed the Rob Watkins chat the other night, be sure
to drop in our forums for the whole transcript and to chat about the

Who Shoots First?
You know the debate: A New Hope. Han
Solo. Greedo. Who shoots first? Fans can argue the point for hours, but
our latest scenario for the Star Wars Miniatures game
looks to settle the debate once and for all -- at least within the scope
of minis play. Granted, as seen in Episode IV, Greedo does get off the
first shot. But Han Solo, never to be underestimated, is out to win
himself back a little notoriety. Setup takes place using the Mos
Eisley map, with the Rebel and Imperial players setting up their squads
on opposite corners of the map.
Check it all out at the official site by clicking here!
Game Demo Online

Be sure to check out a full interactive game demo now online from Wizards!
Click here to
check it out! It should help out new players and players who are
still wondering if they should get into this GREAT game! Thanks to MiniGames
Forum member Skeevo666 for the News!r

Please welcome our first sponsor from outside of the US. With a strong
following all over the world, we now are happy to offer a sponsor in the UK
to cater to our members outside of the US and within for those hard to find
items! They have a huge selection of Cards and Minis, so be sure to check
them out and let them know sent ya!
Holiday Tiles
The Official Site is now offering some
Holiday Tiles. Read More Below: We're proud to offer
the following downloadable tiles, featuring the Tatooine desert and
awe-inspiring Sarlacc.
Tiles will hold up better if you print them on
cardstock rather than paper. If you don't have blank cardstock at home,
you can have them printed at your local quick-print shop. Otherwise,
print the tiles on paper and then glue them to a piece of card or even
an extra terrain tile from a starter set. For best results, glue them
down with spray adhesive or rubber cement and trim them to size
These tiles were created for specific, short
adventures using Star Wars Minis (look for the
Sarlacc's online scenario in January '05 -- as well as further
downloadable tiles). They have not been approved as legal for tournament
Have a great holiday, and we'll see you next year! |
Source and downloads @:
Looking for a game? Local Players? Sponsored Events? A
Trade? Then look no further, click below to meet a worldwide community of
players and collectors!

Enlisted Elite 2
The original
Enlisted Elite article challenged you to create squads using core
characters from the Rebel Storm set for the Star Wars
Miniatures game. Now, our latest update lets you match wits using
your favorite miniatures from the new Clone Strike expansion set. Bring
on the droidekas, Gungans, mercenaries, and Geonosians!
For more info and rules visit or click right here! |

Cool Stuff to the site! if you haven't visited
before then be sure to check them out. They feature some of the
lowest prices on the net for cases, quick shipping and friendly customer
service. If you are into gaming you will be sure to find what you need
there, from cards to minis, and even supplies!
Forum Member Skeevo666 Reported in that the Star Wars Miniatures game
Rebel Storm has been nominated for a Inquest Gamer Fan Award for 2004 for
Click here for more info and to Vote!


Visit the Forums for more Info!

Star Wars Mini Games News: Clone Strike IS OUT!!
Fans have going crazy in the last 24 hours over the new Star Wars Mini
Expansion Set CLONE STRIKE is out! Click on the thumbnail below for a
complete list of what is included and jump in our forums to play, trade and
chat 24/7!

------------------------------------- has posted more pics of the new Clone Strike figures coming our
way next week!
Figure: Aqualish Spy
Cost: 11
Hit Points: 40
Defense: 16
Attack: +6
Damage: 10
Set #: 49/60
Rarity: Common
Special Abilities:
Spotter 10 - (If this character combines fire against a target within
6 squares, the attacker gets +10 Damage against that target)
Figure: Kit Fisto
Cost: 32
Hit Points: 120
Defense: 20
Attack: +13
Damage: 20
Set #: 17/60
Rarity: Rare
Special Abilities:
Unique - You can't have more than one of this figure on your
Melee Attack - (can attack only adjacent enemies)
Force Powers:
Force - 4
Lightsaber Precision - (Force I: This character gets +10 damage
on his next attack)
Lighsaber Sweep - (Force I, replaces attacks: This character can
attack each adjacent enemy once)
Commander Effect - Non-Unique followers within 6 squares get +4
attack against wounded enemies.

Visit the Forums for more Info!
--------------------------------------------- has posted pics of a new Clone Strike figure coming out
way in a few week!

Star Wars Miniatures - Sneak Peek Figure Info
Figure: Battle Droid on STAP
Cost: 16
Hit Points: 10
Defense: 10
Attack: +1
Damage: 30
Set #: 32/60
Rarity: Rare
Special Abilities:
Droid - (Immune to critical hits; not subject to commander
Flight - Ignores enemy characters, low obstacles, and pits when
Strafe Attack - (As this character moves, it can attack each
enemy whose space it enters: this turn, this character cannot attack any
enemy twice and cannot move directly back into a square it has just left)

We would like to welcome
Knighthart Kastle
( )to the Site! A great site that offers
"knightly service" with "honorable prices". They strive not only to have
fair prices, but fair shipping rates too. They have a great stock of
our favorite minis (Star
Wars) as well as many other hobby and game needs!
Clone Strike Final Preview: Nikto Soldier
(From Ultimate Alien Anthology): The
Nikto evolved on Kintan, a harsh planet located deep within Hutt Space.
Life on Kintan and the casual brutality of their Hutt overlords have
made the Nikto cunning combatants. The Nikto have never developed
hyperdrive technology but are found throughout the galaxy as slaves of
the Hutts. For the most part, Nikto are content with life of servitude,
preferring slavery to a life of toil and hardship on their homeworld.
Mutations triggered by the planet's radioactive atmosphere have bred
five different subspecies, each one adapted to a specific environmental
niche. The Red Nikto are the most common Nikto subspecies. They have
crimson skin, and are at home in scorching deserts. Red Nikto can
survive for a week without water.
The Nikto Soldier is fully prepared for an extended tour of duty, his
suit festooned with various pieces of equipment and additional armor.
The most important piece of gear, however, is likely the rifle he's
brandishing overhead.
A ranged combatant, the Nikto Soldier brings a new ability, Sniper,
to the game. Against him, other characters do not provide cover against
his attack.
------------------------------------------------------ |

Cardagora to the site! if you haven't visited
before, check them out. They feature fair prices,
excellent service, and fast
shipping - its a site run by gamers, for gamers.
Clone Strike Prerelease Tournament
The shroud of the Dark Side has fallen and
strife wracks the galaxy. Droid minions of the separatists threaten the
peace, but clone troopers forming the Grand Army of the Republic are
poised to strike. It's time to assemble your squad, declare your
allegiance, and fight for the fate of the galaxy.
December 4th, 2004, celebrate the second Star Wars
Miniatures release with the DCI and participate in the
Clone Strike prerelease tournament. Whether youre a Rebel, an
Imperial, or a Fringer, join us at select locations for a day of "Kill
Them All" skirmishes and prizes. Assemble your 100-point squad from
sealed packs available at each venue. Participant receives special event
materials, and the top players also receive prizes. Space is limited, so
grab your friends and sign up today.
As you prepare for battle, here are a few tips to speed you along:
- Use the venue table below to find a tournament near you.
- Contact the tournament organizer and register for the event.
- Ask the tournament organizer about the entrance fee and sealed
- Read the
rules governing sanctioned miniatures tournament play.
- Build a squad and crush the opposition!
Participation in this event requires a DCI membership. If you
are not a DCI member, dont worry; membership is free and you can
become a member at the tournament. To learn more the DCI click on
the logo and open up to a new world of play.
Warband Construction
The details for constructing your squad are covered in the
DCI Miniatures Floor Rules and the Star Wars
Handbook. Here are some basics to start you on your path.
- The point total of your squad must not exceed 100 points
- In Sealed format you may combine models from any faction in your
- At no time can a squad exceed twelve creatures, regardless of
point cost (except as specified by special abilities such as Minions).
"Kill Them All" Format
A player wins when he or she eliminates all the opposition's squad
members or when his or her opponent concedes.
If time expires before either player meets the "Kill Them All"
victory conditions, apply the tiebreakers listed below in order until
one player meets a victory condition. For example, total the point cost
for units each player defeated. If one player eliminated more points
then his or her opponent, that player is the winner; ignore the two
remaining tiebreakers. If both players defeated the same point total,
move on to the next tiebreaker.
- Highest point total killed.
- Player with a squad member closest to the center of the play map.
- Player with the highest-point-cost squad member closest to the
center of the play map.
--------------------------------------------- |
Clone Strike: Luminara Unduli
(From Power of the Jedi): Master
Luminara Unduli is a native of the cold, desert world of Mirial. Like
other Jedi, Luminara left her homeworld to live at the Jedi Temple when
she was still a toddler. The Mirialan believe that each action an
individual takes contributes to her destinya rough translation of the
Jedi theory that every action affects events in the future and was
itself affected by events in the past. For the Mirialan, none of these
actions is trivial.
So that everyone might know every other's importance to future
events, the Mirialan tattoo themselves with patterns on their faces and
hands, and sometimes, on their arms, legs, feet, and shoulders. The
specific patterns tell every Mirialan what tests other Mirialan have
undertaken successfully, and therefore what general part they will take
in the future of Mirial.
Luminara Unduli represents just one of Clone Strike's Jedi. As
a rare character, Luminara brings her tattoos and Jedi powers to the
Republic faction. Her skills with a lightsaber (constructed, of course,
by her own hand) provide Luminara with Double Attack and Lightsaber
Sweepmaking her a vicious opponent against anyone daring venture near.
Even more devastating may be her speed. With Melee Attack, Luminara
needs to close the distance to strike down her enemies. This is where
her Master Speed ability comes into play. Normally, characters can spend
available Force points to take two extra spaces as part of their move.
Luminara, however, can take six.
Be sure to check out Stealing the Shuttle Scenario
Click here!

------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Popular Collection wanted to let us know that they are having a
10% coupon special this week!! They also just did a major re-stock
of the Rebel Storm miniatures so head on over and get what yoy need!
Clone Strike: Ishi Tib Scout
(From Ultimate Alien Anthology):
Ishi Tib are amphibian humanoids who live in ornate cities built upon
carefully cultivated coral reefs, in large communal families called
schools. The needs of the school always come before the needs of the
individual. Ishi Tib must routinely immerse themselves in a brine
solution similar to the oceans of Tibrin, or they will die of
The Ishi Tib Scouts, as members of the Fringe, can sell their
services to any squad. They dont come as cheaply as the Gran Raiders,
though. However, you're paying for scouts agile enough to not only make
a Double Attack but also to Evade.
Evade is a new ability coming to the Star Wars Minis:
Clone Strike expansion, that helps characters against ranged
attacks. When hit by an attack from a nonadjacent enemy, a character
with Evade can make a save against the damage. |
Clone Strike: Gran Raider
(From Ultimate Alien Anthology):
The Gran originated on the world of Kinyen, located in the star
system of the same name. They have been part of the galactic society
for ages and have established colonies on countless worlds.
Episode VI introduced the Gran known as Ree-Yees, a drunken
spicer who hung around Jabba's court. Ree-Yees rarely shied away
from a fight, even with the odds against himhe was known to
brazenly confront aliens larger than himself.
Clone Strike's Gran Raider looks to continue this fighting
tradition. With his vibroblade drawn and fist pulled back, this is
one mini clearly ready for melee action.
The Gran Raider can help complete a squad of Jabba's henchmen or
take part in swarm tactics. As a common mini, he's cheap to hire: a
100-point squad can afford plenty of these 3-eyed raiders. The Gran
Raider also has abilities that grant him some good versatilityhe
can move and hide with the best, should the odds stack against him
just a little too high.

Sunday evenings @ 5:00
GMI Games
8300 Limonite Ave, Suite F
Riverside, CA
(951) 681-8270 (or you can PM forum member
skeevo666me for
Casual gaming for now, tournaments in the future . . .


Toys and Games has confirmed our orders for the new Clone Strike
Miniatures and will open pre-orders on 10/24/04 with them shipping
out to customers on 11/05
------------------------------------------------------------ |
Clone Strike: Captain Typho
(From Secrets of Naboo): The head
of the Royal Naboo Security Forces is also a member of the royal court.
In addition to overseeing every branch of the Security Forces, he is
personally responsible for the monarch's safety. Who better to
lead the
Naboo Soldiers into action than Captain Typho?
Nephew of Captain Panaka, Typho lost an eye during Star Wars:
Episode I's Battle of Naboo. Typho's miniature not only showcases his
distinctive eye patch, but also his skills at protecting Queen Padmé
Amidalaor any other character in your squad. Naturally, Captain Typho
has the Bodyguard ability (able to take damage that would otherwise
wound an adjacent character). It's his dedicated profession, after all.
Even better, although costing a few more points, he boasts higher Hit
Points and Defense than the
Twi'lek Bodyguard, making him the stronger protector.
As head of security, Captain Typho also possesses a unique Commander
Effect. With Typho on the battle grid, all Naboo Soldiers will find
themselves better able to protect your squad. Just keep them close at
hand. |
There will be another Star Wars CMG game night at
Eagle and Empire on the 15th!
Hopefully there will be more people and the owner says he'll make sure to
have more than 5 boosters this time. Though 3 of those 5 had Very Rares in
Eagle and Empire Game Shop
Alexandria, VA 22308
Store Phone: 703-360-5363
Bring a 100 point squad or two and your map if you'd like. I will also be
playing with some 3D terrain as well. So you can try out the game either
"the way it was meant to be played" or a more visually pleasing way
Hosted by: General Veers

Clone Strike: Rodian Mercenary
(From Ultimate Alien Anthology):
Rodian culture is built almost entirely around the concept of "the
hunt." The more intelligent and dangerous a hunter's prey, the more
honorable the hunt. Since joining the rest of the galaxy's spacefaring
species, the Rodians have come to view bounty hunting as the most
honorable profession in existence. Many of them have found great success
in the field. Rodian adventurers leave their homeworld (Rodia,
choked with heavy rainforests teeming with dangerous lifeforms) to
improve their skills, hoping to one day return and claim the title of
Hunt Master.
We've already met the bloodthirsty
Weequay. This week, we look at the second mercenary that will be
released this December as part of Star Wars MiniaturesClone
Strike expansion.
Of course, the Rodian is no less aggressive than his Weequay
counterpart -- neither of them will even move if there's combat they can
join instead. However, while the common Weequay focuses on melee combat,
the uncommon Rodian uses his blasters for ranged attacks.
The Rodian Mercenary can also make a second attack with that extra
blaster of his -- helping to provide backup for his fellow Rodian,
Rebel Storm's Greedo. And Greedo could use the assistance, after
all. As mentioned, some Rodians find great success in the field. Others
only find the working end of a Corellian smuggler's heavy blaster
pistol. |
Clone Strike: Dwarf Spider Droid
(From Ultimate Adversaries):
Small independent operations often dig within Commerce Guild borders and
attempt to smuggle precious ore into a neutral region, avoiding tribute
payments. Dwarf spider droids are equipped to descend down rocky crags
to catch offenders red-handed... The disturbing appearance of
the dwarf spider droid is no coincidence. The Commerce Guild uses the
threat of a seemingly endless supply of these eerie-looking droids as a
form of psychological warfare against tribute violators and business
rivals. The few upstarts not immediately intimidated by these automated
soldiers quickly learned the error of their ways.
If there's one thing the Separatists bring to the battle grid, it's a
steady supply of droids. Included among them is the Dwarf Spider Droid,
a large-sized mini that will be released this December as part of the
Clone Strike expansion for the Star Wars Miniatures
game. Creeping inexorably along on its digging claws and magnetic feet,
this droid will need to squeeze through any tight spaces its opponents
try to hide behind.
Naturally, this mini carries all the properties of a droid: it's
immune to critical hits, but also to commander effects. And it's
susceptible to ion guns, which means Rebel Storm's low-cost Jawas
remain some of the best anti-droid fighters in the game. (If only the
Republic had recruited them for the Battle of Geonosis...)
Clone Strike: Weequay Mercenary
(From the Ultimate Alien Anthology,
pgs. 181-182): Weequay are vicious warriors with no concept of
individuality. They worship a pantheon of deities, chief among them the
god of the moon, Quay. The species' name translates as "Followers of
Quay," and Weequay warriors honor Quay with ritual sacrifices and bloody
. Male Weequay grow a new braid each year they're away
from their homeworld (Sriluur, a semi-arid world on the periphery of
Hutt Space in the Outer Rim) and shave it off when they return, if only
Clone Strike's Weequay Mercenary has been away from his
homeworld for several years, judging from the numerous braids sweeping
around from the back of his leathery head.
A true mercenary and member of the Fringe, the Weequay Mercenary
holds no loyalties and can be added to any squad. In Episode VI, Jabba
the Hutt even employed a few to defend his sail bargeand with Jabba's
Fringe Reinforcements ability, he can still afford several of these
low-cost Weequays. They make excellent melee fighters, as made evident
by this one's ready vibroblade.
In fact, the Weequay Mercenary is ready to honor Quay to the point of
his obsession. One of his abilities prevents his movement if there's
melee combat to be founda bloodthirstiness shared with his fellow
Fringe mercenary (to be previewed on 10/08).
Clone Strike: Naboo Soldier
(From Star Wars RPG's Secrets
of Naboo, pgs. 20-35): The Naboo are descendants of Human colonists
who sought glory and wealth in the regions of Wild Space near
established hyperspace routes. By establishing a colony on a planet
outside the mainstream of galactic civilization, they hoped to exploit
worlds that had previously gone unclaimed. After years of bloody
conflict with the indigenous Gungans, however, the Naboo reinvented
their cultureadopting reverence for peace, art, and knowledge
The Naboo Royal Security Forces include the Naboo planetary militia,
the defensive space fighter fleet, and the monarch's personal
Last week's
preview introduced one of the new factions coming to the Star
Wars Miniatures: Clone Strike expansionthe Separatists.
Today, we introduce the second new factionthe Republic.
The Republic's Naboo Soldiers represent the frontline of a small but
dedicated security force. Armed with standard issue blaster vests and
S-5 heavy blaster pistols (according to Secrets of Naboo, able to
fire lethal plasma and stun charges, anesthetic micro-darts, and even
streams of liquid polymer that form climbing cables), they're more than
prepared for the Separatistsor any other faction they're up against.
As low-cost units (comparable to the Fringe's Bespin Guards), Naboo
Soldiers can help supplement a Republic squad. And as crack shots, their
enemies will have a harder time taking cover against them. All they'll
need is an able commander to lead them into skirmishes
perhaps a
certain head of security, sporting a distinctive eye patch.
Star Wars en Direct
#26- September 26th, 2004

Star Wars Miniatures
This show will be dedicated the the newly release miniatures game from
Wizards of the Coast. We'll explain the basic rules of the game, show you
most of the figures on the webcam and play a mini-demo game on the air while
you watch the webcam. You have questions or comments on the new SW
Miniatures? Send them, or your phone number (for us to call) to
[email protected].
Its also been one year since we began broadcasting in english. If you have
comments or suggestions about the show send them to the address above.
As usual our hyperspace segment with ROTS updates & infos, our SW news, our
movie reviews, our secondary subject, phone calls from fans and the
community update. They're always surprises so stay tuned.
Live Broadcast begin at 7PM Eastern !
Don't forget that if you want to discuss a topic with us Live on the phone
during our show, send us you number by e-mail. We will call you (if you're
in the chatroom).
Clone Strike: Miniatures First
With the release of Rebel Storm less than a week
old, fans of the new Mini Line will get a glimpse at one of the first figures
from the expansion Clone Strike Series! The official site posted the
picture below. More news can be found at
